Cyprus Citizenship by Investment

Cyprus Citizenship. A whole new world opened up by investing and gaining access to all the benefits of being a Cyprus Citizen.

The Council of Ministers decided back in 2016 to attract high net worth individuals investors in Cyprus. They established the Cyprus Investment Program. in an effort of gaining a vast amount of liquidity through Real Estate Investment in Cyprus.

The project was a success. With the already attracting attributes of the Island by being sunny for more than 320+ days each year and its own of the most favourable onshore personal tax systems in the world the road of Real Estate Investing in Cyprus was and still is very attracting and beneficial.

Cyprus Citizenship offers a variety of benefits:

  • Visa Free Travelling Across 159 Countries
    • YES. Travel without a visa required to more than 159 countries. Due to the EU Membership offered with the Cypriot Passport you are going to be able to travel with your family and attend to your businesses without any nation restrictions.
  • Transfer your funds across Europe
    • You will be able to transfer, invest and purchase any type of property or activities
  • Become a Global Citizen
    • After the 6 months period of possessing your residency permit in Cyprus, you will be able to live wherever you want before or during the application of obtaining the Cyprus Citizenship.
  • Tax System
    • Located at the crossroad of three continents (Europe-Africa-Asia) this small island offers one of the most highly favourable tax systems across Europe.
  • High Standard of Living
    • Due to the large amount of investments that took place in Cyprus over the past few years a high standard of living has been established. Enjoy the sea life with all the accommodated comforts and one of the lowest crime rates across Europe.
  • Dual Citizenship
    • In Cyprus Dual Citizenship is eligible.

Cyprus Investment Programme Options:

  • €2 Million Residential Real Estate + Donation in the aggregate of €150 Thousands
    • The applicant must invest the least amount of €2.000.000 (2 Millions Euro) for the purchase of properties. This amount includes the investment made for the purchase or construction of buildings or land development.
    • If the property purchased was previously owned by an investor of the Cyprus Investment Programme the total amount must be €2.500.000 (2 and a half Millions Euro)
    • If the Investors buys multiple properties worth of €2.000.000 (2 Millions Euro), one of them must be at least €500.000 (Five Hundred Thousands Euro) and be kept as the permanent Residence of the Investor in Cyprus.
  • Purchase or Establishment or participation in Cypriot Companies or Businesses
    • The applicant must have invested in Companies with investment cost of at least €2.000.000 (2 Millions Euro).
  • Combination of the Above
    • The applicant can proceed with a combination of the above investments as long as the least amount invested is €2.000.000 (2 Millions Euro).